Thanks to everyone who has already responded to our 2016 NYC Veterans Surveys! We hope that more veterans and spouses/partners in NYC, Long Island, Westchester, North Jersey, and Hudson Valley will take our surveys to better inform us (and our partner organizations) about what they’re experiencing. Our survey data will go directly toward improving policies and making resources more accessible for veterans, military members, and their families in the NYC area.
Five of these surveys are inclusive of anyone who has served in the military, regardless of service era, discharge status, or current service status. The sixth survey is for the spouses or domestic partners of these individuals.
Here are some preliminary survey results we want to share with you:
Health & Wellness. This survey asks questions to assess how veterans of all eras and military members are accessing physical, dental, and mental health care, and about how certain factors influence their overall health and well-being. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
40% of respondents have paid out of pocket for medical or dental visits within the last 3 years
52% of respondents say they have received care within the last 3 years from a non-VA provider for an injury, illness, or ailment related to their military service
55% of respondents have sought mental health care within the last year
42% of respondents have participated in yoga, meditation, or other complementary and integrative health practices in the last year
35% of respondents say that the high cost of healthy foods limits their good nutrition
25% of respondents say their ability to exercise is limited by the high cost of gym or recreation centers
33% of respondents say writing for pleasure improves their sense of health & well being
63% of respondents say helping others improves their health & well being “a lot”
44% of respondents have experienced suicidal ideations during or following their military service
58% of respondents personally know one or more veterans or service members who have committed suicide
Affordable Housing & Homelessness Prevention. This survey asks questions to assess the current housing situation of veterans of all eras and military members, whether they are using targeted assistance programs, their experiences as renters or homeowners, and their sense of security in their housing situation. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
34% of respondents are currently paying 40-50% of their monthly income (not including VA entitlements or benefits) toward housing costs
21% of respondents are currently paying 50-70% of their monthly income (not including VA entitlements or benefits) toward housing costs
6% of respondents are currently paying more than 70% of their monthly income (not including VA entitlements or benefits) toward housing costs
8% of respondents are currently staying temporarily with friends/family
25% of respondents are currently homeowners
40% of respondents who currently rent live in a rent stabilized/controlled apartment
36% of respondents who rent have experienced difficulties with landlords regarding their military or veteran status
50% of homeowners had their veterans tax exemption decreased due to NYC or local school tax assessment
20% of respondents paid their rent or mortgage 30 days late within the last three years due to limited, reduced, or unstable income
52% of respondents do not feel financially secure in paying housing expenses over next 12 months
Employment & Career Development. This survey asks questions to assess the recent employment situation of veterans of all eras and military members and their experiences with employment and career resources. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
97% of respondents who have attended job fair or recruitment events did not gain employment as a direct result
88% of respondents who attended career preparation events for veterans or military members (such as resume workshop, job interview training, career training, or career networking) did not gain employment as a direct result
22% of respondents participating in a mentorship program say it had a significant positive influence on their career advancement
35% of respondents who applied for a government job did not receive any veterans hiring preference
23% of respondents believe that within the last three years, their employer or supervisor overlooked or failed to apply USERRA protections applying to their past, present, or future military status
42% of respondents believe that employers value the military experience listed on their resume as less valuable than civilian work experience
34% of respondents have experienced difficulty with a prospective or current employer because they viewed the respondent’s military experience or status as unfavorable
Entrepreneurship, Small Business & Street Vending. This survey asks questions to assess the current situation and aspirations of veterans of all eras and military members in leading and owning small businesses, nonprofits, corporate organizations, street vending operations, and other entrepreneurial ventures, including training and mentorship resources they have or wish to utilize. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
30% of respondents are currently small business owners
10% of respondents are currently street vendors
16% of respondents are currently hold the title of CEO, President, or Executive Director
28% of respondents are interested in starting a street vending operation or food truck
27% of respondents believe a tech incubator would help them launch their business idea
50% of respondents believe a shared or community workspace with like-minded developing leaders would help them develop as a leader
Student Veterans. This survey asks questions to assess the experiences of veterans and military members who have attended academic or vocational rehabilitation programs within the last three years. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
44% of respondents attending academic or vocational rehab programs in last three years took out federal student loans
17% of respondents attending academic or vocational rehab programs in last three years attended institutions not participating in the Yellow Ribbon Program
68% of respondents attending academic or vocational rehab programs in last three years received zero credits for their military experience
34% of respondents attending academic or vocational rehab programs in last three years experienced difficulty with landlords accepting GI bill educational benefits as income
Spouses and Domestic Partners of Veterans. This survey asks questions to assess the experiences of spouses and domestic partners of veterans of all eras and military members. Thus far, here is a sampling of what respondents have shared anonymously with us:
55% of veteran spouses/partners consider themselves a caregiver
54% of respondents identifying as caregiver are caring for their spouse
17% of veteran spouses/partners have experienced difficulty finding or keeping work due to their spouse or partner’s military status
We are appreciative of the veterans, military members, spouses, and partners who have taken a few minutes of their time to share their experiences with us. The more responses we have, the better the quality of data that will inform important changes that our community needs.
Please take our surveys if you haven’t yet, and please encourage the veterans, military members, spouses, and domestic partners in your network to take them.
Thanks for your continued support!