NYC’s 2018 Budget – What’s In It For Veterans?
After negotiation with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration, the NYC Council announced today that the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget is now finalized.
Earlier this year we set a Spring Agenda that included protecting and increasing NYC's budget for veterans, and adoption of a needed exemption from rising school taxes for veteran homeowners. We're both proud and grateful to our members and allies who helped us achieve results for our community.
Take a look at what's in the new budget for veterans, which will take effect on July 1, 2017:
Read moreNY1: Critics Discuss de Blasio Administration's Attention to Veterans' Issues
The NYC Veterans Alliance was featured on NY1's "Inside City Hall" with Errol Louis:
Read moreThe Daily Beast: De Blasio's New Plan to Combat Inequality Stiffs Vets
The NYC Veterans Alliance was featured in The Daily Beast article below, written by Jacob Siegel:
Read moreTestimony on Reforming the VAB and Tracking Veterans Receiving NYC Services
You've responded to the 2015 Survey of NYC Veterans Policy Priorities, and your voice has already been heard by public officials. Yesterday was the first-ever testimony of the NYC Veterans Alliance in a City Council hearing, and we were definitely heard.
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