Testimony on Establishing Manhattan Veterans Treatment Court

On Wednesday, the NYC Council held a hearing on NYC's Veterans Treatment Courts in City Hall's Committee Room. Aynisa Leonardo, an experienced clinician who has served veterans for more than eight years, and who also has extensive experience with clients in the Veterans Treatment Courts operating in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx, testified on behalf of the NYC Veterans Alliance, and represented your responses thus far on the 2015 Survey of NYC Veterans Priorities. It was a long, but important hearing, and Aynisa followed testimony by a number of judges and government officials, to include Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and a U.S. Army veteran asked to read the statement of Public Advocate Letitia James in support of establishing a Veterans Treatment Court in Manhattan.

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Gotham Gazette: Council Passes Three Bills to Improve Services for Military Veterans

The NYC Veterans Alliance was featured in the Gotham Gazette article listed below, written by Kristen Meriwether:

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Testimony on Reforming the VAB and Tracking Veterans Receiving NYC Services

You've responded to the 2015 Survey of NYC Veterans Policy Priorities, and your voice has already been heard by public officials. Yesterday was the first-ever testimony of the NYC Veterans Alliance in a City Council hearing, and we were definitely heard.


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Preliminary Survey Results: Week One

It's been one week since we launched the 2015 Survey of NYC Veterans Policy Priorities, and the response has been an overwhelming success--thanks to each of you who took the survey and encouraged your friends, family members, and colleagues to participate. The survey will remain open until the end of February 2015, and the full results will be made public in early March.

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