Announcing Our February (Spring) 2017 Agenda

cityhall.jpgWe have work to do for veterans this month! 

NYC government has entered the budget-making process for the 2018 fiscal year, which starts on July 1st. There is legislation on the table that needs to get passed. And more than anything, our City government needs to hear from veterans that we need them to not just tell us our service & sacrifice matter to them—they need to show us.

What can you do?

Lobby with Us Next Week, February 13-17

If we’re not already in touch with you, please reply to this email with your availability (morning and/or afternoon each day next week). We’ll get you prepped and plugged in to talk with city officials to tell your story and otherwise ask them to take the actions outlined below. Veterans, family members, and concerned citizens equally welcome.

Rally at 1PM at City Hall on Valentine’s Day with the NYC Veterans Alliance, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 72, and Service Together

We are calling on Mayor de Blasio and City Officials to LOVE OUR VETERANS in the 2018 Budget. You may see multiple invitations from any or all of these organizations—please RSVP to at least one of them! We are united on this, and each and every person who stands with us will make a difference. So please attend, and bring friends and colleagues. City Hall grounds open to us at 12:45 pm. The rally starts at 1PM sharp on the steps in front of City Hall.  

Write to City Council Members Using Councilmatic

We’re collecting your comments in support of four pieces of legislation using an online platform called Councilmatic, and we will ensure all NYC Council Members have the opportunity to see what you’ve written. Just click on the links and add your comment at the bottom:

Int. 1259 to Add Veteran & Military Status to NYC Human Rights Law

Int. 1304 to Implement the Alternative (School Tax) Exemption for Veterans

Res. 1196 to Support Complete Passage of “Fairness for Veterans Act” Provisions

Int. 1303 to Provide Appropriate Protections for Veteran Street Vendors in “Street Vending Modernization Act

Call, write, and meet with your NYC Council Member to urge them to take action for veterans and their families

What we have here is just the start. We’ll be doing more in 2017 to work on the items below as well as a broader push for increased funding & resources for veterans, and affordable housing initiatives for NYC veterans and their families. But the most important voice here is yours. Let YOUR representatives know what YOU need and care about! Look up and contact your Council Members HERE.

See our full February 2017 Briefing Paper HERE
